Community Profiles. Community profiles are used and recognised as tools for development. They are found to be useful foundations for policy makers and also practitioners within a wide range of service and policy processes (Hawtin M, , p1). These are most popularly used when identifying issues with crime figures or public health Community Profile Essay. This report is an in depth community profile covering the Stockton-on-Tees area of Teesside within the North East of England. Outlining statistical information to key areas including population, immigration, age, gender, show more content Community Profile Essay. Below is an essay on Community Profile from Anti Essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Community Profile Word Count: 3, Introduction The World Health Organisation. In this essay I intend to
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Community profiles are used and recognised as tools for development. They are found to be useful foundations for policy makers and also practitioners within a wide range of service and policy processes Hawtin M, community profile essay,p1. These are most popularly used when identifying issues with crime figures or public health. However, they may also be used when identifying any geographical differences within certain areas and influencing local policies, procedures and resource development Derbyshire County Council, In order to do this, community profiles contain a number of demographic community profile essay such as; population and growth trends, age distribution, house hold size, unemployment rates, at risk groups, living arrangements and many more Centre for Urban Transport Research,p For confidentiality reasons no names have community profile essay mentioned within this community profile therefore no consent was needed.
Smithies and Adamsquoted in Jack K. There are many reasons why a community profile is written. One of the main purposes is to enable service commissioners to target areas within communities that are most in need and make required improvements.
This community profile essay benefits the local services and their users. In order to efficiently undertake in a community profile, it is firstly important to understand the reasons why it is been done, and what benefits it may essentially bring Hawtin M,p In many cases, services may need reviewing and improving to provide better care and target areas most in need of the help.
By doing this, service users are more community profile essay to experience the benefits and this can be reviewed in future statistics or further community profiles. Middlesbrough is a large town situated on the south bank of the River Tees only a few miles from the North Yorkshire National Park.
From the 19th century, Middlesbrough was recognized as a major coal port and also a center for ironworks. Previously, it has also been known for its steelworks, and chemical plants CSE, community profile essay, According to census results in as shown in appendix three, Middlesbrough has an estimated population ofpeople.
Middlesbrough has recently featured many times in the public eye for its high levels of alcohol misuse, community profile essay, and was recently named ''the worst area in the country for alcohol-related hospital admissions'' Mike Brown ' Gazette Live, Due to the high levels of alcohol misuse within Middlesbrough, this will have an effect on local services community profile essay as hospitals, community profile essay, and rehabilitation centers etc.
As a result, the town will then be disadvantaged due to financial implications. Alcohol nationally causes approximately 22, preventable deaths per year and is costing the government?? Within Middlesbrough alone, community profile essay, it has been estimated that 6, community profile essay, people are high risk drinkers, 3, are dependent drinkers, and there are 24, people becoming an increasing risk Middlesbrough Council, In circumstances like these where a health issue is having a considerable financial impact, a community profile may be beneficial if planned and written thoroughly and accurately.
It enables service commissioners, and local authorities to explore services within the area in order to find out if the publics need are been met, assess the area's most in need and make required improvements so that strategies can be put in place and implemented.
Community profiles provide information so that resources can be proritised to make any funding or resources to the best advantage Hawtin M,p For Middlesbrough, a community profile in relation to alcohol would be beneficial in order to find out which services are most in need of improvement.
Due to poor statistics in relation to alcohol misuse, the needs of the local community can also be assessed, ideas may be implemented, and new services introduced with an overall goal of improving statistics and reducing levels of alcohol misuse. A strategy for reducing the amount of alcohol community profile essay could be implemented and then reassessed over a period of time in order to track its progress. Community profiles help to build a better understanding of a subject.
By having this greater knowledge, more precise and reliable improvements can be made within the community to contribute in combatting any issues. As stated previously, Middlesbrough has as estimated population ofOf these people 6, community profile essay. Despite the high number of people living in Community profile essay, from data in provided by Middlesbrough council, there were 58, households within the town.
Comparing the percentage of benefit claimants with Tees Valley at As shown in appendix 5. These results could further complement the alcohol misuse, but also the poor crime rates within Middlesbrough. Again, in comparison with Tees Valley at 0 and National crime statistics at Further exploring mortality rates and poverty, Middlesbrough once again shows poorer statistics compared to Tees Valley and the national average.
Mortality rates under suggest that individuals are likely to live longer. Both Middlesbrough at The national average has a mortality rate of Middlesbrough is ranked 8th of all local authorities within England and Wales for being the most deprived, community profile essay, 1st being the worst.
This will have an adverse effect on individuals' health and their lifestyle Middlesbrough Council - Middlesbrough statistics. All of these factors together will contribute to Middlesbrough having poor statistics and change the way individuals living here are able to adapt their lifestyles for the better. Changes need to be made with the help of better services and increased knowledge in order to see a change within these numbers.
This can be done through the use of a community profile. Each target area should be explored individually and improvements made accordingly. Due to alcohol misuse being one of the main areas that is in desperate need of improvement within Middlesbrough, it is first essential community profile essay understand why and how alcohol leads to poor health, as well as what can be done to prevent its misuse, community profile essay.
Often, individuals may use alcohol if they have any problems in their lives. Alcohol is a form of drug and can easily become addictive. G and Marmot, M. Alcohol has community profile essay on the brain over a period of time with high consumption. Unfortunately, adolescents are more susceptible to the damage, community profile essay, however this is not to say that community profile essay adult brain cannot also be affected Dasgupta, A.
It also has more noticeable effects often as the addiction takes over. This may include poverty, community profile essay, cravings. One of the most serious complications of alcohol misuse is often malnutrition. This is often due to the individual not eating enough to nourish their body. Kessel, N and Walton, H. Chapter Two According to statistics and media attention, alcohol misuse in Middlesbrough is currently at community profile essay high.
This suggests that alcohol may be a local health improvement issue. With alcohol being such a large issue community profile essay Middlesbrough at the present time, local services and its users may benefit from a community profile in order to identify areas for community profile essay. Many people who misuse alcohol end up in hospital and within the last year out of everyof Middlesbrough's population, 3, people were admitted to hospital.
This is the highest statistic across England Mike Brown ' Gazette Live, A health improvement issue is an area that would community profile essay from health promotion and improving services provided.
The World Health Organisation quoted 'health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and community profile essay improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions. With alcohol been such an issue, it has a large impact on services provided in Middlesbrough both physically and financially. There is strain on the services to provide affective care whilst in high demand.
As a result of this, there are cost implications for use of treatments, equipment and time. If the level of alcohol misuse were to be reduced, this would create some relief for services working hard to accommodate. In order to reduce the levels, a community profile is beneficial in order to ascertain where the issues are within the local community and put strategies in place. Yearly, across the country, alcohol misuse is causing the NHS approximately?? Looking at the epidemiology of alcohol demonstrates why people may turn to alcohol and what effects it may have on them.
Frequent heavy drinking can have many negative effects on the body and a person's health and these may ne short or long term. Some impacts alcohol can have on a person are academic problems, community profile essay, social isolation, physical illnesses such as hangovers or illnesses, community profile essay, memory problems and an increased risk of mental health problems leading to suicide Galanter, M et al.
Alcohol starting becoming a rising problem in the s, and the first self help groups were introduced, community profile essay. By the s alcoholics anonymous had been founded and alcohol misuse has continued to grow since Rose, community profile essay, M.
and Cherpitel, C. Chapter Three Within Middlesbrough, community profile essay, there are a number of services available to those within the community for suffer from alcohol misuse.
With these in place, community profile essay, a long term goal is to reduce the amount of individuals reliant on alcohol, to change and improve their lifestyle for the better.
One of the services available to service users is the Middlesbrough Alcohol Treatment Service based in North Ormesby. This service aims to offer advice to its users, provide information and also treatment for alcohol misuse. They aim to do this by offering rehabilitation and detoxification referrals, as well as hepatitis vaccinations. Not only does this service provide care for the individual suffering from the alcohol abuse, but it also offers support to the families of those community profile essay need and dealing with the repercussions.
This is affective because it takes a holistic approach to the care of the individual as well as their families Middlesbrough Council - Help with alcohol. The Albert Centre in Middlesbrough are also specialists in providing treatment to those people who are experiencing addiction and struggling to manage it themselves Middlesbrough Council - Help with alcohol.
In order to provide person centered care, the Albert Centre provides tailored packages within a community based intervention strategy. Initially, clients who are referred here will be assessed by the center in order to establish how much alcohol they drink, dependency levels and any reasons behind why they may drink. They are then allocated to a support worker who works one to one with the individual and starts to develop a recovery plan.
From here, the support worker and the individual discuss and implement any interventions. These may consist of self-motivational tools, worksheets or other exercised to assist the recovery process. Along-side this, the Albert Center provides counselling sessions, alternative therapies, and peer led recovery groups on a support basis. Community profile essay classes are also available to improve awareness around alcohol and the affects it has on stress, health, motivation, community profile essay, confidence and also differing behaviours.
Upon reducing the alcohol to a safe level or completely cutting it out, services users are placed on an exit package which includes information and guidance about maintaining recovery The Albert Centre. For those younger individuals who suffer from alcohol misuse, there is a service called 'Platform' within Middlesbrough specifically for young people under 18 years.
This demonstrates a clear understanding between the different types of treatment required for adults and adolescents, community profile essay. Often younger people are more vulnerable and need different methods of community profile essay for it to be effective. Platform aims to give help support and advice about alcohol misuse and works towards a harm reduction approach for the individual, their families and the community Platform Middlesbrough.
A voluntary provider for alcohol misuse is the Middlesbrough Hospital based Primary Alcohol Drug Service, otherwise known community profile essay PADS.
Profile Essay
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Community Profiles. Community profiles are used and recognised as tools for development. They are found to be useful foundations for policy makers and also practitioners within a wide range of service and policy processes (Hawtin M, , p1). These are most popularly used when identifying issues with crime figures or public health Community Profile Essay. Below is an essay on Community Profile from Anti Essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Community Profile Word Count: 3, Introduction The World Health Organisation. In this essay I intend to Community Profile Essay. This report is an in depth community profile covering the Stockton-on-Tees area of Teesside within the North East of England. Outlining statistical information to key areas including population, immigration, age, gender, show more content
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