Customer Service Essay Words | 3 Pages. to communicate with customers to identify and agree on product/ service specifications. It is crucial to be aware that customer expectations and needs will change from time to time and will be affected by market trends, fashions and · Good customer service is all about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy – happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers. Get Help With Your Essay · Customer Service Is a Fundamental Service That. Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Read Full Paper. Customer service is a fundamental service tat a business sould provide in order to increase sales and ave a returning clientele
Essay about Good Customer Service - Words
Excellence in customer service is the objective of all organisations wishing to be successful. However, there is often a gap between customer expectations and management perceptions of customer expectations. Organisations often fail to get close to their customers and correctly read their expectations.
However, this process is not customer essay easy as it sounds — customer expectations are a dynamic feature that customer essay and flows regularly in accordance with a wide range of factors. However, when expectations are customer essay met by the performance of your customer service representatives, customer dissatisfaction is the result.
You can have the greatest service team, but if your customers perceive their needs are not being met, your service reputation suffers. Identifying Customer Expectations Because customer expectations are an ever-evolving process, it can be very challenging to know precisely what those expectations might be.
The best course of action is to take the question directly to your customer base through a variety of customer service research techniques, customer essay. Provide incentive for them to complete that survey, such as entry into a drawing for an enticing prize. Next time you see a customer, ask if his expectations of your business are being met. If not, find out why and what you can do to make your service better.
Additional expectations may arise from your customer research, customer essay, which you can address on an individual customer essay. Benefits of Customer essay Expectations. By accurately identifying those expectations, and meeting or exceeding them customer essay, your company is likely to enjoy happier customers and a healthier bottom line. As a result of these meetings, a list of customer needs is organized and prioritized. Product concepts are created and specifications drawn with the most important customer needs addressed.
In order to organize and evaluate the data, simple tree diagrams are often used. The next step in the process is critical and often customer essay conducting one-on-one, in-depth interviews with the customers.
This technique deploys a structured interview lasting 30 minutes to one hour. The discipline behind the interview is to ensure that all areas in customer essay discussion guide will be addressed without limiting the input from the customer to predetermined formats.
In new product development, it is critical to solicit the Voice of the Customer to correct undesirable feature sets, determine most desirable value propositions, and understand future uses and applications of a new product. Not only does this result in new perspectives, it also increases customer satisfaction and loyalty when their ideas are implemented, customer essay.
Additional research and refinement occurs until the product is launched. Now the Voice of the Customer is needed to assist the company in ensuring it is exceeding customer expectations. Exceeding expectations is extremely challenging as customers continually upgrade their expectations, customer essay. The involvement in delivering products and services that exceed expectations is the responsibility of everyone in the company.
In an on-going effort to dynamically measure customer commitment and track changes over time, Voice of the Customer tracking research was established, customer essay. Telephone, mail and web surveys are the typical methods of customer essay data from customers. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, all of which need to be evaluated. Speed, confidentiality and cost are the primary item trade-offs in the decision to use a specific method.
Questions are developed to obtain information on importance and the satisfaction associated with each performance attribute. A ranking model is then developed to help set priorities. Customers are usually guaranteed anonymity when responding to Voice of the Customer studies. Care must be taken in the drafting customer essay the documents since an expectation of follow-up and improvement can be created and any lack of follow-up will increase dissatisfaction.
If response rates are not adequate, several procedures customer essay be deployed to increase participation, customer essay, including offering the customer an incentive for completing the survey.
If so, what was the general nature of the problem? A chart graphically depicts the overall results from the research. Each of the key satisfaction issues are plotted on the graph with the more important issues as rated by the customers being higher on the graph, customer essay.
In this manner, the key strengths and vulnerabilities are charted. An additional analysis is typically performed which determines which customers are likely customer essay remain loyal and which are at risk.
At risk customers are those the company is likely to lose because they are highly dissatisfied with the company. This gives a company a measurement of how many customers it may lose to competitors. Over time, customer essay, a comparison of the results allows a company to see how its situation has changed.
Feedback on results, implementation of improvements and areas where additional progress is still desired should be communicated to all employees on customer essay periodic basis. Demographic household information can also be asked and age, income and geographic region can be reported. Clear, consistent and systematic improvement is necessary to retain customers for life. Knowledge of good customer procedures is not innate. They do provide suitable training and support resources so customer essay employees know what to do and are customer essay to do it.
Organisations should dedicate resources time and money for training and reinforcement, customer essay. Employees should be fully informed about company goals, the products and services. People can only do the job if they are given the right tools and objectives.
It costs money to train people, customer essay. It will cost more if you decide not to train them. the management does not know what the customers need and expect from their service. Gap 2 is the lack of development between management perception and service quality specification. Here managers are aware of customer expectations but are not committed enough to utilize the knowledge of customer needs and expectations as the basis for defining and specifying service quality standards.
This may occur due to ignorance, lack of vision, limited resources. However, service delivery may be of poor quality owing to poor employee performance due to insufficient training. Gap 4 refers to the gap between service delivery and external communication which occurs due to pre-purchase promotional materials communicating unrealistic service levels which cannot be delivered in reality. Again it can stem from being poorly briefed about the service by the sales staff resulting in over promise and under delivery.
Employees by clarifying their roles in service delivery, training and motivating them to perform well in their roles as co-producers, customer essay. Gap 5 can be effectively closed by minimal promise and maximum performance.
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· Customer Service Is a Fundamental Service That. Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Read Full Paper. Customer service is a fundamental service tat a business sould provide in order to increase sales and ave a returning clientele · Customer service | Customer-Centric | An introduction on how to provide superior customer service skills. | | | | An informational essay on how to provide superior customer service using these seven skills: The right attitude, Understanding the customer’s needs, Clear communication, Dealing with difficult customers, Business telephone etiquette, Customer service and technology, Customer Expectations Essay For what is a customer expectation, is the belief about the service or delivery that serves as standards or reference against which performance is judged or not satisfactory to a customer
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