· Essay About Children’s Day. He worked more for the education, welfare, and progress of children and youngsters after the independence of India. He also organized a 5-year plan to provide free meals and education to the school children for avoiding children malnutrition in India. He was saying that children are the power of the country as they Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins · Children’s day is celebrated with lots of fun and frolic activities like games, sports, indoor games, outdoor games, dance, drama play, national songs, speech, essay writing etc. activities and blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins · Children’s Day is celebrated on different days in different countries. In India, it is celebrated on 14th November which is the birth date of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Children should be loved and appreciated every day of the year. But Children’s Day is one day that is specially set aside to celebrate their presence in our blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
Happy Children’s Day Speech & Essay PDF For Students & Teachers - AMJ
They can select any of the given speeches according to their need and requirement to easily participate in the speech recitation activity in their school without any hesitation.
These speeches have been written in simple yet effective English language to let you easily remember them and present them when needed. Good Morning everyone!! Very special thanks to Principal Sir, guests and my friends. He was a politically active member of the Indian National Congress also serving twice as its President.
Good Morning respected Principal Sir, teachers, staffs and my dear friends. Apart from being a veteran freedom fighter and a prominent politician, he shared a very close relationship with the children of India. The children also loved him and called him Chacha Nehru. Jawaharlal Nehru, all through his life, admired and loved the children irrespective of their caste, creed, essay on children day, culture or financial background.
He was of the opinion that children are the future of a nation and hence they must be nurtured and educated well. The day is celebrated to spread awareness about the welfare of children, mostly those belonging to financially poor and deprived class. Events are held to bring such children to the fore and also efforts to educate and nurture them are made. Good morning to the Principal sir, teachers and my dear friends. Children become the happiness of the society and home as well as future of the country.
We can not ignore their involvement and essay on children day in the life of parents, teachers and other related people all through the life. Children are liked by everyone and without children life become very boring and upset. They are blessed by the God and conquer our hearts with their beautiful eyes, innocent activities and smiles.
It is celebrated at different dates in various countries however in India, essay on children day, it is being celebrated for years on 14 th of November.
He was a political leader however spent his most of the precious moments with children and loved their innocence. It is an occasion to appropriate the qualities of childhood. Children are considered as the building blocks of the strong nation.
Children are very small but have capability to change the nation essay on children day. They are the responsible citizens of the tomorrow as development of the country lies in their hands. Children are leaders of tomorrow so they need to get respect, special care and protection from their parents, teachers and other members of the family.
They are being abused in many ways in our nation by their family members, essay on children day, relatives, neighbours or other strangers. Following are the common rights of the children which they must get:. Good morning to the excellencies, Principal sir, teachers and my dear colleagues, essay on children day.
I would like to speech on this great occasion and make this occasion a memorable one for me. He had given much importance to the children throughout his life and loved to talk them. He always liked to be among children and surrounded by the them. He is called as the Chacha Nehru by the children because of his lots of love and care towards children. It is celebrated by the cabinet ministers and high officials including other people in the early morning by gathering at Shanti Bhavan and pay homage to the great leader.
They place flowers garland at the Samadhi and perform prayers and then chanting of hymns takes place, essay on children day. A heartily tribute is paid to the Chacha Nehru for his selfless sacrifices, encouraging youths, peaceful political achievements, etc.
by the children to celebrate this day with big enthusiasm. National, inspirational and motivational songs are sung, essay on children day, stage show, essay on children day, dance, short dramas, etc are played by the children to remember the Indian leader and his great love and care for the children.
A big crowd of people attend the celebration to hear the speech of students about the Pt. Nehru always advised to the children to be patriotic and nationalistic all through the life.
He always inspired and cheered the children doing deeds of bravery and sacrifice for the motherland. He liked to talk and play with children for long time. He wanted to be surrounded by the children all through his life. He worked hard for the betterment of children and youths of the country just after the independence of India on august 15, Jawaharlal Nehru was very much enthusiastic and warm hearted towards children especially about their welfare, rights, education and overall improvement in order to make this country a develop nation.
He was very inspiring and motivating in nature, he always inspired the children working hard and bravery works. He was very much concerned about the essay on children day and welfare of the children in India, so he worked hard for the children so that they can get their childhood rights. He was called as Chacha Nehru by the children because of his selfless affection to them. He always favored childhood and supported them to live proper childhood without any personal, social, national, family and financial responsibilities because they are the future of the nation and responsible for the country development.
Childhood becomes the best phase of the life which should be healthy and happy of everyone so that they can be ready to lead their nation ahead, essay on children day. If the children are unhealthy from mind and body, they cannot give their best to their nation in the future. So, the childhood phase of the life is the most significant phase which every parents should nourish with their love, care and affection. As being the citizen of the country, we should understand our responsibilities and save the future of the nation.
activities and all. This is the day which removes all the barriers against children and allows them to celebrate as they want. Students are motivated by the teachers to show their talents at this occasion by participating in the quiz competitions or other type of competitions like painting, modern dress show, singing and cultural programs, essay on children day.
Good morning to the respected Principal sir, teachers and my dear friends. I am very grateful to my class teacher to give me such opportunity to speech on this essay on children day in front of you all. Jawaharlal Nehru was a true friend of the children. He loved to talk and play with children. He was the Prime Minister of India however loved to remain among children by following his all the political responsibilities towards country, essay on children day.
He was very warm hearted person, always inspired and motivated children to be patriotic and happy citizen of the country. Children used to call him as Chacha Nehru because of his love and essay on children day. He was very fond of the roses and children all through his life.
Once he said that children are like the buds in the garden. He was very concerned about the condition of the children of the country as he understood children essay on children day the future of the country. He wanted that, children should be nurtured by the parents very carefully and lovingly for the bright future of the country. He understood children as the real strength of the country.
He loved children of both sexes equally and believed in giving equal opportunities to both for the actual development of the nation. His genuine love for the children became the reason essay on children day getting an endearing name as Chacha Nehru. It is celebrated by organizing variety of activities such as singing, drama play, dancing, essay writing, storytelling, speech, quiz competitions, etc.
This celebration make a call to every Indian citizen to protect their little ones from all harms by providing better childhood.
Now-a-days, children are being victim of many social evils like drug, child abuse, alcohol, sex, hard labour, violence, etc. They are forced to earn little money for hard work in the very essay on children day age. They remain away from the healthy life, parents love, essay on children day, education, and other childhood happiness.
Children are the essay on children day asset of the nation as well as future and hope of tomorrow, so they should get proper care and love. Being a parent, I realize how important it is in the recent times to rejoice this wonderful occasion. It is also referred to as Bal Diwas by a number of people. Several children across the world suffer from atrocities which are innumerable, essay on children day. We must ensure that the rights of children are protected and they are not exploited.
Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru believed that children must be provided with love and attention as they are the future bearers of a nation. Children truly deserve a day that is dedicated to them. You all are the picture of innocence and everybody adores children. It is a day specially set aside to honor children and celebrate your presence. This day is dedicated to children and everybody tries their best to make you all happy on this day.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru being the first Prime Minister of India was very fond of children. The world may remember him as the first Indian Prime Minister and a skilled politician, but for children he was always considered as Chacha Nehru.
Despite being a polished and perceptive political leader, Nehru was immensely fond of being surrounded by children. He never discriminated between a girl and a boy as his ideology emphasized more on the concept of equality. Nehru Ji was a patient listener and he admired children while they spoke. He believed that children are the future of a nation and educating them is a step towards the progress of a nation.
We want that our children should be safe and to assure this aspect we need to educate them not only by imparting formal education, essay on children day, but it becomes our duty to make them aware about the social evils prevalent in our society.
They should be taught to be alert every second in their life and should also be made aware about the difference between a good and a bad touch. It would be then that we could provide them with a safe environment both at home and school, essay on children day.
Therefore, children are tender buds and it becomes our duty to assure them, a safe atmosphere which they rightfully deserve. Essay on Jawaharlal Nehru. Tryst with Destiny by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Speech on Jawaharlal Nehru, essay on children day. Paragraph on Jawaharlal Nehru. An Entrepreneur Director, White Planet Technologies Pvt. Masters in Computer Application and Business Administration.
15 lines Essay on CHILDREN'S DAY in English for Kids
, time: 3:03Children's Day - Wikipedia

· Here is a portion of the facts identified with Children’ Day: Children’s Day is also called ‘Bal Diwas.’ There is a worldwide occasion devoted to children’s privileges and proper care called ‘Universal Children’s Day.’ Universal Children’s Day is generally known on the 20th of Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Children are actually God’s gift to planet earth and it is also said that if one keeps a child happy, they are keeping the almighty happy. Childhood is in fact God’s best gift to any individual and we all are aware of the fact that money can buy anything but even all the money in the world is in-sufficient to bring back the past in anyone’s blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins From Year Three on, children need to learn about new words a year that is eight new words a day. It takes at least four exposures to make a word on their
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