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Opium war essay

Opium war essay

opium war essay

Feb 11,  · The second Opium war, sometimes called the Arrow War, or the Second China War started on October 8, It then continued until October 18, At the read full [Essay trade was also increasing. In the two opium wars of and , China was defeated and was compelled to open its ports to western powers. The opening of China to western imperialism led to economic exploitation and the impoverishment of the Chinese people. The European presence produced a profound hatred of foreigners. This combined with military defeat, led to more pressing demands for Evidently, four factors were the reason why China had lost the Opium War, including lack of money, weak labor force, the use of behindhand weapons, and the arrogance of the Qing Dynasty. The second reason for China losing the Opium War was the fact that its army was equipped with behindhand weapons. Finally, China lost the Opium War due to arrogance of the Qing Dynasty

The First Opium War, Sample of Essays

The first opium war occurred between the years In the yearChina opium war essay participating in a deeply disturbing trade; the exchange of Opium between Chinese natives and other foreigners who were mostly Britons.

It was done illegally and most of the traders were exempted from taxes. This meant that the Chinese economy was suffering adversely since most of its currency was lost to an underground business. It opium war essay caused a lot of corruption among custom workers as there was no law regulating this trade. In addition to this many natives in China became addicted to this drug. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional academic writers.

Here you can order a professional work. Find a price that suits your requirements. This led to very stern action by the Chinese emperor in the year ; he executed all the natives involved in this illegal trade. The Chinese emperor decided to take the issue head on although there were some advisors who wanted him to legalize the trade.

However, opium war essay, he said it was evil and could not even consider that option, opium war essay. In the yearhe sent a Commissioner to the Chinese harbor — Canton, opium war essay. He instructed the commissioner to confisticate all the opium present in foreign opium war essay and failure to do so would lead to a death penalty.

His warnings landed on deaf years and this was one of the main reasons that caused the first opium war in China. The actual war The war was propelled by the fact that Britain was trying to force the Chinese to trade with them in opium. In the yearBritain began its attack in the small town of Hong Kong. This was then followed by Guangzhou.

The naval officer from Britain Sir Elliot ordered a blockage of the river sailing to the latter mentioned town. off all trade with England and expel all English from China. Thus began the Opium War. The War War broke out when Chinese junks that the British cease all opium trade.

His letter included the argument that, since Britain had made opium trade and consumption illegal in China; this clause granted to Britain any trading rights granted to other countries.

Two years later, China, against its will, But this order was not followed by one particular ship hence causing problems for the naval officer. This brought about the sinking of plenty of Chinese ships. To counter this, the Chinese emperor prevented any opium war essay between the Chinese and the British.

The British then decided to attack the Chinese harbor- Canton. They sent about four thousand fighters. They met at the mouth of the river and the Chinese were defeated at Ningbo in In the next year, opium war essay, the British occupied Shanghai after their victory and the war came to an end.

The victors were rewarded with a one sided treaty which shall be examined below. Mitsuko, : Treaty of Nanjing The treaty was signed between the two countries that had participated in the First Opium War in the year The parties involved were as follows; the emperor of China, her majesty the Queen of Britain and Ireland, a general from the British company of East India, opium war essay, representatives from Canton, Chapoo, Ministers and governors.

It was signed in order to forge a way forward so that the trade between these two countries could be controlled. It reinforced opium war essay appointment of officers in five towns within China. Their purpose would be to ensure that British merchants were residing comfortably, without any unfair treatment and they were also to ensure inform the British Government about failure of the Chinese government to comply.

The treaty also required that the Chinese government should surrender one town i. Hong Kong in which the British Law applied. In this town, merchants could be able to restock their ships. Mitsuko, opium war essay, : The Emperor of China was told to pay a compensation of six million dollars for threatening to take the lives of British citizens opium war essay imprisoning them too. This was the amount equal to the money paid in exchange for British subjects captured opium war essay the year The emperor of Britain demanded compensation for imposition of special Chinese merchants on the British subjects.

The year of your birth does not just indicate your age! According to the Chinese system of Astrology, the year of birth indicates a certain phase or aspect of a sixty-year cycle opium war essay time. Three systems are used for counting and classifying the years: The ten Heavenly Stems, the twelve Earthly Branches and the twelve Animals. The exact origins of the twelve animal system remain unknown.

These merchants did not pay them their dues This amount reached the tune of three million dollars. They were also told to let the British merchants to trade with whoever they wanted. Opium war essay queen also demanded compensation for the finances wasted on the search for justice through commissioners and officers.

This amount was about twelve million dollars. However, the Chinese government could deduct from this amount any compensation paid to British subjects after they won the war. Specifications were also laid out on how the4 compensation would be paid i.

within opium war essay years time. The emperor of the State of China agreed to release any captives who may have been held as a form of punishment for engaging in the opium trade. In addition to this, the emperor was authorized tom release any members of his own country who may have been held for participating in the Opium trade, opium war essay. He was to sign a binding agreement in regards to this. The treaty also directed the emperor to include the ports where British merchants will reside in their tax plans.

This tax must be announced to all people in the empire and it should not fluctuate. Lastly, opium war essay, the Chinese government would be free from British forces after completion of due payments and they were expected to make the designated towns free for trade, opium war essay.

This treaty was then signed by all the due parties. Treaty of Bogue This treaty was signed in the opium war essay between the British and China. It was a modification of the first treaty signed i. The Treaty of Nan king. It was signed between commissioners of the two countries represented. It declared that export duties in the chosen five towns where British merchants were authorized was to be put in place. It also included the rules that would govern how trade will be conducted in those towns.

This was signed by all the parties present. The treaty gave authority opium war essay traders to deal only in those designated five towns, opium war essay. It stated that any other towns were not to participate and if any native or foreigner was found doing so, they would be duly punished. It allowed the Chinese Government to confisticate their ships in those other towns if they were found guilty.

The treaty gave a limit to the radius which British traders were supposed to reach with their merchandise. If they went beyond this limit, then they were liable to opium war essay by the full hands of the law.

The treaty has also looked at the housing arrangement for residents in those five towns. It stipulated that the number of houses built should not be restricted by the Chinese Government but information opium war essay be conveyed to envoys about intentions to build. Rent charges in those five towns were also supposed to be the same charges that work over the entire country.

China and Tibet The issue is about China and Tibet, Should or shouldn't Tibetan Exile Refugees change their peaceful approach toward China by appealing to sympathetic nations to militarily force China out of Tibet?

During the 's Tibet was a very powerful country opium war essay the Dalai Lama was introduced as the leader or Tibet. China controlled Tibet in the Early 's. The British arrived in Tibet in The treaty controlled the privileges which the Chinese government would accord to other visitors to the countries that did not belong to the British government.

They opium war essay expected to give the same treatment to British subjects. It also prevents British law breakers from escaping their mother countries into these ports. If these fugitives are found then they are subject to punishment from the government of China. They cannot seek political refuge in those towns and should be handed over to the British authority in those towns.

There was also a ship that was to be given special authority to control and check on trade in those five ports. Mitsuko, Treaty of Wanghia This treaty was signed between the United States and China in the year It was signed after the former mentioned treaty.

Its purpose was to increase American involvement in Chinese trade. It was similar to the first two. The United States government made it unlawful to trade in Opium.

Kuo, It also allowed ended the law that restricted foreigners from teaching themselves the Chinese language. Thirdly, it disallowed fluctuation of tariffs within ports. Also, the Chinese government was forbidden from punishing or judging US citizens residing in their country. It was only supposed to hand offenders to the United States representatives.

It also authorized the US citizens to buy land within those five ports mention in the first two treaties, opium war essay.

First Opium War - Conflagration and Surrender - Extra History - #4

, time: 8:34

Chinese Opium War Essay - Words | Internet Public Library

opium war essay

Feb 11,  · The second Opium war, sometimes called the Arrow War, or the Second China War started on October 8, It then continued until October 18, At the read full [Essay The Opium war was somewhat developed the urban economy by destroyed the original financial system and idea of nationalism and liberalism. It indicated how weak the Qing dynasty was and the discredited image in society. Territory sovereignty: Opium war was regarded as the start of turning China into semi-colonial and semi-feudal country Chinese Opium War Essay Words | 3 Pages. The Chinese Opium Wars were a devastating blow to the Chinese government and its relationship with the Western countries. The First Opium War was mainly due to the opium trade. The Second Opium War started with a misunderstanding on a merchant ship and the already boiling tensions between the Chinese

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